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Golden medal awarded to Fraser Birkenhead in 1930 for his perfect attendance. It still remains in good condition in its green box.

three women sitting together. The middle woman is holding a bouquet of daffodils, still wrapped up. The women appear to have been having tea/wine.

Photo of Shirley Tindall presenting Candy Striper, Beryl Desormeau with the Best Candy Striper of the Year award. The award is presented by the…

Newspaper article of the Best Candy Striper award and corresponding presentation to Candy Striper, Beryl Desormeau.
See Also - 2019.22.38

A newspaper article sharing the news of the recent honour awarded to the Hospital Auxiliary. The award for merit, was accepted by Hospital Auxiliary…

A newspaper article featuring an image of four Candy Stripers and their new plaque for best display from the North East Candy Striper Conference. In…

A newspaper article describing the events of the first annual Candy Stripers dinner held at the Elks Hall in 1976.

Two Candy Stripers standing side by side wearing their iconic pink pin-striped pinafores. The Candy Striper on the right is getting her cap pinned as…

The first Candy Stripers being awarded their 75 hour caps in 1968. L to R : Patsy Kopach, Georgina Porrier, Eleanor Wright. Mrs. Mary Leiske presents…

Mrs. Adene Clay, presents first place plaque to Candy Striper Linda May Molendyk for the "History of Candy Striping" in their home town.

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